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Although Europe and the United States occupy a large share of the gelatin market, the Asian region is growing faster

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The gelatin industry is a very small sub-industry in the chemical industry. Global gelatin production is mainly concentrated in Western Europe, the United States, Japan, India, and China. Europe is the world's largest producer of hide gelatin, while Asia is the world's main producer of bone gelatin, especially China, Japan, and India.

Although Europe and the United States occupy a large share of the gelatin market, the Asian region is growing faster

The gelatin industry is a very small sub-industry in the chemical industry. Global gelatin production is mainly concentrated in Western Europe, the United States, Japan, India, and China. Europe is the world's largest producer of hide gelatin, while Asia is the world's main producer of bone gelatin, especially China, Japan, and India.Is the largest. With the continuous growth of the world's population and the increasing use of gelatin in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and beverage industries, the international gelatin market will continue to grow rapidly in the next few years.

The production of world gelatin is mainly monopolized by a small number of multinational companies, mainly including the French Rousselot Group, the Belgian Paibao Group, the German Jialida Group, the US K & K Group and the Japanese NITIM. More than 80% of output. Many small and medium-sized gelatin companies in Asia (mainly concentrated in China and India) account for about 20%. The main gelatin production enterprises in China include France Rousselot, Belgium Paibao, Qinghai Gelatin and so on.

Medicinal gelatin is a high-end product in gelatin, and the consumption ratio of medicinal gelatin can reflect the technical level of gelatin technology and national economic situation in a region. Due to advanced technology and economic development in Europe and the United States, the consumption rate of medical gelatin is relatively high.

Relying on advanced industry technology and huge market demand, advanced countries and regions such as Europe and America rely on advanced industry technology and huge market demand to continue to promote the development process of gelatin uses and varieties, and constantly explore new uses of medical gelatin. In addition to membrane materials, it can also be used as plasma solubilizer, medicinal coating material, new material for wound protection film, and microencapsulated outer membrane coating material for oily drugs such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K and cod liver oil. The widening use of gelatin products has brought about an increase in demand.

From the perspective of gelatin consumption, Europe is the world's largest gelatin market, and its share accounts for 39.6% of the international gelatin market; North America ranks second with 32.3%; and the Asia-Pacific region accounts for 22.8%. Although European and American countries account for a relatively large market share, these traditional markets have tended to saturate with weak growth momentum, while Asia and Latin America, especially in Asia, have grown rapidly, especially in China and India.
